Mendocino Vision
Working to promote public participation in the Local Coastal Program Updates
Our Cities and the County are at the first stages of updating policies and processes
for managing Mendocino’s coastal zone. As we embark on this effort, the public demands
a science based, community driven process that ensures environmental sustainability,
social equity, and practical Local Coastal Program revisions. To achieve sustainable
best-governance processes and equitably balance our needs for a healthy environment,
social justice and efficient/effective performance, these revisions must be rigorously implemented
with clear accountability in regard to coastal management agencies and stakeholders.
For years, consumers, small businesses and non-profit organizations have been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to installing solar systems, rain catchment and gray-water recycling, zero waste programs, cooperatives, community gardens, volunteer fire departments and emergency services, communal and co-housing, alternative education, art and music collaboratives, etc; all examples of valuing the planet’s health, social equity and personal needs in a sustainable and equitable fashion.
Sadly, while often voicing support for climate action, too often government officials have been slow in practice to adapt and embrace a culture that balances planet, people and government outcomes in a sustainable fashion. Too often what citizens see, is the spectacle of government leaders unveiling grand climate action plans, but then failing to follow thru with concerted, diligent action to accomplish the objectives of those plans.
That has to change. Climate change and sea level rise are rapidly reshaping our coastal areas. The adverse impacts of climate change are exerting massive forces on people, infrastructure and the environment all along Mendocino’s coastal zone.
Over the course of the multi-year Local Coastal Program update process, the Grassroots Institute will demand government agencies managing the update process be transparent to ensure maximum public awareness and that the public be fully engaged in shaping the policies and implementation that ultimately govern coastal zone management.
The path of science based assessment and full public engagement is not easy, but it is the only one that provides any hope for practical success.

Get involved:
To submit a comment or ask a question about the county LCP process email Julia Krog: krogj@mendocinocounty.org
To join the GRI Mendocino Vision LCP group fill out the form at the bottom of this page and select "Mendocino Vision"

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Get caught up:
September 2023 Local Coastal Program Update Zoom
The GRI met with special guests on September 13th to discuss the latest LCP updates. Watch to learn more, and fill out our welcome form to receive meeting updates.
Mike McGuire Special Meeting with GRI
On July 17th, 2023 Second District Senator Mike McGuire joined the GRI to talk climate policy and California's future. Listen here.
Meeting with Coastal Commission Staff
May 17th, 2023: CA Coastal Commission Staff made a presentation regarding grants awarded to the City of Fort Bragg, the City of Point Arena, and Mendocino County to assess the impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Mendocino’s coast. You can find notes here.
Meeting with City Staff
Fort Bragg City Staff and Noyo Harbormaster joined us on March 2nd to talk through the Cities LCP and how it will engage with the County's process. (Notes coming soon)
Meeting with County Staff
On December 3rd we hosted a meeting with county and city staff to discuss the LCP plan. Watch the recording or read through the notes here.
Local Coastal Programs Update Zoom
On Thursday, March 14th 2024, there was a public zoom workshop with representatives from the Coastal Commission, County of Mendocino Planning and the City of Fort Bragg. The session updated the public on several projects currently underway to assess changes to Mendocino’s coastal zone and to develop new Local Coastal Programs to regulate land use and protect coastal areas under the authority of the California Coastal Act. Please find the slide deck here.
LCP Coastal Land Use & Sea Level Rise Zoom
On Thursday, May 16th 2024, there was a public zoom workshop with an update on several projects currently underway to assess changes to Mendocino’s coastal zone and to develop new Local Coastal Programs to regulate land use and protect coastal areas under the authority of the California Coastal Act. Please find the slide deck here.
LCP Coastal Land Use & Sea Level Rise Zoom 7/18/24
On Thursday, July 18th, from 3 pm to 5 pm, the GrassRoots Institute hosted a zoom session with government officials now undertaking a major rewrite of Mendocino County’s coastal zone land use management program to reflect future & current climate change and coastal land use issues.
Please find the slide deck here
Climate Migration and Coastal Planning Issues Webinar 9/19/24
Join Caryl Hart Chair of the California Coastal Commission, Mendocino’s Coastal Supervisors Gjerde and Williams, staff from the Mendocino Council of Government, the Cities of Fort Bragg & Point Arena, Mendocino County Planning Director Julia Krog, as well as Tim Robustelli author & senior analyst at New America, a Washington DC based think tank, to discuss Climate Migration and Coastal Planning Issues at the GrassRoots Institute zoom webinar as presented on Thursday, September 19th from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Transportation, Drought, Sea Level Rise, Blue Economy Webinar 11/21
On 11/21, the GrassRoots Institute’s Mendocino Vision Workgroup held its 10th in a series of zoom sessions intended to engage the public in efforts to update Mendocino’s coastal planning and management programs, policies, and procedures. Funded by state grants, city and county agencies initiated more than a dozen initiatives assessing coastal transportation, climate change & sea level rise impacts, ocean view and access issues, biological & archaeological reviews, and blue economy initiatives. The zoom session began with presentations followed by questions and comments from agencies and the public. Read the KZYX article here. Read the Advocate article here.
Coastal Planning Zoom, Thursday, January 16th, 2025
On Thursday, January 16th, 2025, the GrassRoots Institute’s, Mendocino Vision Workgroup held its 11th in a series of zoom sessions intended to engage the public in efforts to update Mendocino’s coastal planning and management programs, policies and procedures.