How Can I help?

Get Involved
GRI has seven working groups tackling challenges in Mendocino County. WorkGroups are a step further than the usual nonprofit committee structure. They organize, recruit volunteers, and plan their strategies for addressing community needs and taking action to implement solutions for the common good.
Anyone can propose creation of a WorkGroup. The activities of the WorkGroup are the responsibility of the WorkGroup to determine.
WorkGroups work with each other where strategies support each other. WorkGroups work with other nonprofits, local government, and regulatory agencies as partners for the common good. Fill out our contact form below to get more info on the issues you care about!

Get In Touch
Fill out our contact form below to get in touch- and stay in touch! Please take the time to select the working groups that interest you, and leave us a note about yourself.

To make a tax deductible donation click here!
GRI is currently gratefully accepting non tax deductible donations via check. Checks should be made out to "GrassRoots Institute" and mailed to:
P. O. Box 1607
Mendocino, CA
Donating to a specific working group? Please include the name on the memo .
Want to make a tax deductible donation? Give us a call at 707-593-6084