Building an Economy for the Common Good
Mapping Community Organizations Building an Equitable and Sustainable Future

Purpose: Celebrating what you have done and where you are going
Materials: Various displays of the data and organizations you have selected
Paradigm: Celebrate the knowledge and values you are collecting and the community of workshop participants you have created.
Context/Preparation: Recognizing and commemorating what you are doing and will be doing in the future enhances everyone’s ownership in the project and reinforces the notion of a hopeful and exciting future. Creating physical models of your mapping process allows people to see the information in new ways. The display above shows the maps of the interviewed organizations on a three dimensional topographical map, At the beginning of Workshop Three, there was another physical model portraying the organizations within their economic sectors These types of physical, three dimensional displays function as conversation points during the party-like gathering. To enhance the atmosphere, cover the tables with colorful cloths and set up various beverage and finger-food stations. Make it like a café.
Activities: Let people mill around, talk and discuss the displays. At some point, bring people together to sing Melanie DeMore’s Lead with Love. You can see her rendition of it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w22S8foSbk&t=11s And you can download a score of the song here. Then, with everybody mobilized to move ahead with the project, introduce everyone. Have people sit down at the various decorated tables and talk about where we started; Oikonomia – Building an Economy for the Common Good: systemic problems with our dominant political and economic system; the local organizations entities that are trying to solve those systemic problems. Then talk about where you are now. Show the latest map. Discuss how you can move ahead in the future. Talk about where the project is going. Then before the break watch the video on the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development conference on the Potential and Limits of the Social Solidarity Economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIcwIshFcHI
After the break share the highlights of the course. Have two or three people talk about these various aspects of the workshops:
What surprised you?
What amazed you?
Who helped you when you needed it?
What did you learn?
What was satisfying?
And any other questions along this line…
Thank all the people for the various contributions they made to the effort