Elections 2024: Saving Democracy for the Common Good
GRI presented a series of workshops on the 2024 Elections every two weeks on Sunday afternoons at the Community Center of Mendocino (998 School St, Mendocino, CA). The first workshop was on Sunday, September 29. This election cycle had been quite a ride so far, and we knew it was not going to end on November 5. So we held workshops through the inauguration of the next President in late January 2025.
We provided a forum to discuss all the elections from the local to the national and worked on ways to make our democracy better for everyone. We had guest co-hosts who provided their own insights into the electoral process. We looked at money in politics; the critical public policies that hung in the balance from global war to local control of our future; who was running, what initiatives were on the ballot, and on and on.
Please email Jim Tarbell at rtp@mcn.org with any questions.
Watch: Prior Workshops
Workshop 3: Local Issues in the Local Elections,
Workshop 4 with Donne Brownsey, 11.10.24
Workshop # 5 Popular Resistance to Autocratic Rule, 11.24.24
Workshop # 6 Democracy vs. The Ruling Elite & Corporate Power, 12.8.24
Workshop # 7
The Republican Agenda, 1.5.25
Click image above to view slides
Workshop #8 Politics Feeds the Corporate Beast, 1.19.25
Workshop #9 Is the Party Over?, 2.2.25
Workshop 10, 2.16.25 Resurrection of Truth & Justice
The speaker is Elise Cox, veteran journalist with Knight-Ridder, and the present news Director of KZYX.